Unpopular opinion here, but if you want toned abs, you need to stop doing crunches. Yep, we said it. Sit ups and tiny crunches are not the way to go here. To really sculpt your core, you need to focus on working all the muscle groups that make up the abs. Sorry, but you can’t have a slim midsection without working up, down and all around.
The Muscles that Make Up the Core
Your core isn't just your rectus abdominis (the "six-pack" muscles). It's a group of muscles that wrap around your entire midsection - the obliques on the sides, the erector spinae in the lower back, the transverse abdominis that cinches the waist, and even your diaphragm. Having a strong, stable core provides the foundation for power, strength, and mobility in everything from sports to daily activities. It’s when all of these muscles are toned and strengthened that you see the chiseled abs you want. Well, that plus great nutrition. Abs are, afterall, made in the kitchen, as they say.
The Best Ab Exercises Aren't Crunches
While crunches can be part of an ab routine, they tend to only work the rectus abdominis and can put strain on the neck. More effective moves engage the entire core unit through functional, multi-planar movement patterns. These include:
• Planks (regular, side, reverse)
• Anti-rotation exercises like a plank with kettlebell pull through
• Stability ball movements like pike roll outs
• Compound bodyweight exercises like mountain climbers
• Exercises that load the core against resistance like woodchoppers
An Effective No-Crunch Core Circuit
On Fridays at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss we focus on core circuits that are designed to train all of the muscles mentioned here. Here’s a FREE workout for you to try on your own! Go through the circuit three times.
1) Plank (60 secs)
2) Reverse lunge with knee drive (10 reps per side)
3) Stability ball pike roll out (10 reps)
4) Russian twists (20 reps)
5) Bird dog (10 reps per side)
Get Shredded From the Inside Out
The FASTer Way utilizes two days of HIIT and three days of strength training for total body transformation. Paired with a whole food nutrition program that eliminates inflammatory foods including dairy and gluten, and you’re guaranteed results! JOIN our next round by going to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss website.
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If You Want a Toned Tummy, You Need to Quit the Crunches

Unpopular opinion here, but if you want toned abs, you need to stop doing crunches. Yep, we said it. Sit ups and tiny crunches are not the way to go here. To really sculpt your core, you need to focus on working all the muscle groups that make up the abs. Sorry, but you can’t have a slim midsection without working up, down and all around.
The Muscles that Make Up the Core
Your core isn't just your rectus abdominis (the "six-pack" muscles). It's a group of muscles that wrap around your entire midsection - the obliques on the sides, the erector spinae in the lower back, the transverse abdominis that cinches the waist, and even your diaphragm. Having a strong, stable core provides the foundation for power, strength, and mobility in everything from sports to daily activities. It’s when all of these muscles are toned and strengthened that you see the chiseled abs you want. Well, that plus great nutrition. Abs are, afterall, made in the kitchen, as they say.
The Best Ab Exercises Aren't Crunches
While crunches can be part of an ab routine, they tend to only work the rectus abdominis and can put strain on the neck. More effective moves engage the entire core unit through functional, multi-planar movement patterns. These include:
• Planks (regular, side, reverse)
• Anti-rotation exercises like a plank with kettlebell pull through
• Stability ball movements like pike roll outs
• Compound bodyweight exercises like mountain climbers
• Exercises that load the core against resistance like woodchoppers
An Effective No-Crunch Core Circuit
On Fridays at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss we focus on core circuits that are designed to train all of the muscles mentioned here. Here’s a FREE workout for you to try on your own! Go through the circuit three times.
1) Plank (60 secs)
2) Reverse lunge with knee drive (10 reps per side)
3) Stability ball pike roll out (10 reps)
4) Russian twists (20 reps)
5) Bird dog (10 reps per side)
Get Shredded From the Inside Out
The FASTer Way utilizes two days of HIIT and three days of strength training for total body transformation. Paired with a whole food nutrition program that eliminates inflammatory foods including dairy and gluten, and you’re guaranteed results! JOIN our next round by going to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss website.
Subscribe to our blog
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
If You Want a Toned Tummy, You Need to Quit the Crunches

Unpopular opinion here, but if you want toned abs, you need to stop doing crunches. Yep, we said it. Sit ups and tiny crunches are not the way to go here. To really sculpt your core, you need to focus on working all the muscle groups that make up the abs. Sorry, but you can’t have a slim midsection without working up, down and all around.
The Muscles that Make Up the Core
Your core isn't just your rectus abdominis (the "six-pack" muscles). It's a group of muscles that wrap around your entire midsection - the obliques on the sides, the erector spinae in the lower back, the transverse abdominis that cinches the waist, and even your diaphragm. Having a strong, stable core provides the foundation for power, strength, and mobility in everything from sports to daily activities. It’s when all of these muscles are toned and strengthened that you see the chiseled abs you want. Well, that plus great nutrition. Abs are, afterall, made in the kitchen, as they say.
The Best Ab Exercises Aren't Crunches
While crunches can be part of an ab routine, they tend to only work the rectus abdominis and can put strain on the neck. More effective moves engage the entire core unit through functional, multi-planar movement patterns. These include:
• Planks (regular, side, reverse)
• Anti-rotation exercises like a plank with kettlebell pull through
• Stability ball movements like pike roll outs
• Compound bodyweight exercises like mountain climbers
• Exercises that load the core against resistance like woodchoppers
An Effective No-Crunch Core Circuit
On Fridays at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss we focus on core circuits that are designed to train all of the muscles mentioned here. Here’s a FREE workout for you to try on your own! Go through the circuit three times.
1) Plank (60 secs)
2) Reverse lunge with knee drive (10 reps per side)
3) Stability ball pike roll out (10 reps)
4) Russian twists (20 reps)
5) Bird dog (10 reps per side)
Get Shredded From the Inside Out
The FASTer Way utilizes two days of HIIT and three days of strength training for total body transformation. Paired with a whole food nutrition program that eliminates inflammatory foods including dairy and gluten, and you’re guaranteed results! JOIN our next round by going to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss website.