5 min read

A Day in the Life of Amanda Tress: CEO, Mother, and Fitness Entrepreneur

Written by
FASTer Way to Fat Loss
Published on
July 25, 2024

Ask any working mom about mornings at her house, and the story will almost always have threads woven through it that are familiar in one way or another to all working moms regardless of where they live, how much money they make, or even how many kids are in the picture. Hectic. Hurried. Harried. What working woman with children wouldn’t describe the start, or even most of their day in those terms? 

For FASTer Way to Fat Loss CEO and founder Amanda Tress, it’s pretty much the same story. Like many women, her morning begins before 7:00 a.m. with kids stirring and wanting to eat or to be entertained. On the particular morning we visited, the two youngest girls were watching morning cartoons while the baby of the family, Ty, was perched in his high chair sipping juice. Amanda was listening to a podcast in her room while sitting at her makeup table getting ready for the day. And, as it usually is with teenage daughters, Amanda was texting her oldest, Emma, to see if she had her blush. Moms out there can definitely relate. 

Amanda and her husband Brandon have five children: Emma, Cole, Lily, JJ and Ty. The fitness CEO and marketing guru likes to say Emma is her shopping and workout buddy, Cole is so responsible he could’ve lived on his own by the age of four, Lily is her mini-me, JJ is the bright light and fun of the family, and Ty is a little bruiser who has her heart. As for whether she planned for this family of seven, the answer is no. Amanda says if you would’ve asked her 15 years ago if five kids would be in her future she would have said no way. “But here we are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she says. 

No working woman with children has the luxury of just doing one thing in the morning: multitasking is a requirement for this job, and Amanda is no different. Today, with her children occupied, she’s getting dressed and ready for work while listening to a podcast to fill her professional development bucket and be inspired with new ideas and thoughts for her own business. 

“It's a habit my husband and I picked up early - even at 18, we were listening to financial advice on cassette tapes while we worked,” she says. “I believe that diverse knowledge fuels innovation, and in my line of work, that's essential.” 

You won’t find Amanda just listening to fitness podcasts, either; today it’s about gaming, another day it was agriculture. She is drawn to learning about different industries. 

If you’re exhausted by now, so are we. It’s only 9:00 a.m. in the Tress household and it seems like an entire day! (haha!). Amanda is ready to leave the house and head to a local studio. Today on her calendar is a professional photo shoot for a new product she’s launching soon. FASTer Way Hydration will be on the market in August and there’s no shortage of fires to put out just weeks before its release. As Amanda is in hair and makeup, settling on wardrobe for the shoot, and playing host to special guests she’s asked to join the photo session, she’s also juggling calls and even has her creative design lead with her giving updates on packaging, printing and shipping details. 

Once that’s wrapped, Amanda heads into the office. It’s not even noon. The rest of the day is a whirlwind of meetings, strategy sessions, and problem-solving. “We've had a record year, bringing in new clients, but I know we can't rest on our laurels,” says Amanda. “Millions of people need our program, and I'm determined to reach every single one of them.”

Amanda’s vision is clear: to build the next billion-dollar brand in fitness and nutrition. “It's ours for the taking, and I'm laser-focused on making it happen.”

FASTer Way to Fat Loss founder and CEO Amanda Tress is a wife and mom of five; juggling family, home and a multi-million dollar fitness business.

After a full morning of intensity, Amanda leaves the office to carve out some much-needed margin in the afternoon. Every afternoon she heads down to her in-home gym for a FASTer Way workout; yes, she follows the same workouts as her clients with FASTer Way Pro Trainers at the helm. 

Sometimes, there’s even a little extra time for self-care, like a facial or massage. Then, the day winds down with a family walk - a sacred time for Amanda, when she leaves her phone at home and focuses entirely on connecting with her kids. 

You might look at Amanda, or other high-power CEOs and entrepreneurs and think they have it easy, they have it all, they have what you wish you could, but these women are very much like you with the same worries and anxieties. Amanda’s biggest question every day is whether she’s giving her children enough of her time. Is she a good mom? Is she balancing work and family well? As we said in the beginning, it’s a struggle for many working moms, regardless of where you live, how much you make, or how many kids are in the picture. 

As the sun sets on another busy day, Amanda reminds herself of what truly matters. “At my funeral, I don't just want people to say ‘Your mom was so awesome.’ I want my kids to respond and say, ‘You have no idea how awesome.’ That’s the legacy I’m working towards every single day.” 

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A Day in the Life of Amanda Tress: CEO, Mother, and Fitness Entrepreneur

FASTer Way to Fat Loss
July 25, 2024
5 min read

Ask any working mom about mornings at her house, and the story will almost always have threads woven through it that are familiar in one way or another to all working moms regardless of where they live, how much money they make, or even how many kids are in the picture. Hectic. Hurried. Harried. What working woman with children wouldn’t describe the start, or even most of their day in those terms? 

For FASTer Way to Fat Loss CEO and founder Amanda Tress, it’s pretty much the same story. Like many women, her morning begins before 7:00 a.m. with kids stirring and wanting to eat or to be entertained. On the particular morning we visited, the two youngest girls were watching morning cartoons while the baby of the family, Ty, was perched in his high chair sipping juice. Amanda was listening to a podcast in her room while sitting at her makeup table getting ready for the day. And, as it usually is with teenage daughters, Amanda was texting her oldest, Emma, to see if she had her blush. Moms out there can definitely relate. 

Amanda and her husband Brandon have five children: Emma, Cole, Lily, JJ and Ty. The fitness CEO and marketing guru likes to say Emma is her shopping and workout buddy, Cole is so responsible he could’ve lived on his own by the age of four, Lily is her mini-me, JJ is the bright light and fun of the family, and Ty is a little bruiser who has her heart. As for whether she planned for this family of seven, the answer is no. Amanda says if you would’ve asked her 15 years ago if five kids would be in her future she would have said no way. “But here we are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she says. 

No working woman with children has the luxury of just doing one thing in the morning: multitasking is a requirement for this job, and Amanda is no different. Today, with her children occupied, she’s getting dressed and ready for work while listening to a podcast to fill her professional development bucket and be inspired with new ideas and thoughts for her own business. 

“It's a habit my husband and I picked up early - even at 18, we were listening to financial advice on cassette tapes while we worked,” she says. “I believe that diverse knowledge fuels innovation, and in my line of work, that's essential.” 

You won’t find Amanda just listening to fitness podcasts, either; today it’s about gaming, another day it was agriculture. She is drawn to learning about different industries. 

If you’re exhausted by now, so are we. It’s only 9:00 a.m. in the Tress household and it seems like an entire day! (haha!). Amanda is ready to leave the house and head to a local studio. Today on her calendar is a professional photo shoot for a new product she’s launching soon. FASTer Way Hydration will be on the market in August and there’s no shortage of fires to put out just weeks before its release. As Amanda is in hair and makeup, settling on wardrobe for the shoot, and playing host to special guests she’s asked to join the photo session, she’s also juggling calls and even has her creative design lead with her giving updates on packaging, printing and shipping details. 

Once that’s wrapped, Amanda heads into the office. It’s not even noon. The rest of the day is a whirlwind of meetings, strategy sessions, and problem-solving. “We've had a record year, bringing in new clients, but I know we can't rest on our laurels,” says Amanda. “Millions of people need our program, and I'm determined to reach every single one of them.”

Amanda’s vision is clear: to build the next billion-dollar brand in fitness and nutrition. “It's ours for the taking, and I'm laser-focused on making it happen.”

FASTer Way to Fat Loss founder and CEO Amanda Tress is a wife and mom of five; juggling family, home and a multi-million dollar fitness business.

After a full morning of intensity, Amanda leaves the office to carve out some much-needed margin in the afternoon. Every afternoon she heads down to her in-home gym for a FASTer Way workout; yes, she follows the same workouts as her clients with FASTer Way Pro Trainers at the helm. 

Sometimes, there’s even a little extra time for self-care, like a facial or massage. Then, the day winds down with a family walk - a sacred time for Amanda, when she leaves her phone at home and focuses entirely on connecting with her kids. 

You might look at Amanda, or other high-power CEOs and entrepreneurs and think they have it easy, they have it all, they have what you wish you could, but these women are very much like you with the same worries and anxieties. Amanda’s biggest question every day is whether she’s giving her children enough of her time. Is she a good mom? Is she balancing work and family well? As we said in the beginning, it’s a struggle for many working moms, regardless of where you live, how much you make, or how many kids are in the picture. 

As the sun sets on another busy day, Amanda reminds herself of what truly matters. “At my funeral, I don't just want people to say ‘Your mom was so awesome.’ I want my kids to respond and say, ‘You have no idea how awesome.’ That’s the legacy I’m working towards every single day.” 

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5 min read

A Day in the Life of Amanda Tress: CEO, Mother, and Fitness Entrepreneur

July 25, 2024

Ask any working mom about mornings at her house, and the story will almost always have threads woven through it that are familiar in one way or another to all working moms regardless of where they live, how much money they make, or even how many kids are in the picture. Hectic. Hurried. Harried. What working woman with children wouldn’t describe the start, or even most of their day in those terms? 

For FASTer Way to Fat Loss CEO and founder Amanda Tress, it’s pretty much the same story. Like many women, her morning begins before 7:00 a.m. with kids stirring and wanting to eat or to be entertained. On the particular morning we visited, the two youngest girls were watching morning cartoons while the baby of the family, Ty, was perched in his high chair sipping juice. Amanda was listening to a podcast in her room while sitting at her makeup table getting ready for the day. And, as it usually is with teenage daughters, Amanda was texting her oldest, Emma, to see if she had her blush. Moms out there can definitely relate. 

Amanda and her husband Brandon have five children: Emma, Cole, Lily, JJ and Ty. The fitness CEO and marketing guru likes to say Emma is her shopping and workout buddy, Cole is so responsible he could’ve lived on his own by the age of four, Lily is her mini-me, JJ is the bright light and fun of the family, and Ty is a little bruiser who has her heart. As for whether she planned for this family of seven, the answer is no. Amanda says if you would’ve asked her 15 years ago if five kids would be in her future she would have said no way. “But here we are, and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she says. 

No working woman with children has the luxury of just doing one thing in the morning: multitasking is a requirement for this job, and Amanda is no different. Today, with her children occupied, she’s getting dressed and ready for work while listening to a podcast to fill her professional development bucket and be inspired with new ideas and thoughts for her own business. 

“It's a habit my husband and I picked up early - even at 18, we were listening to financial advice on cassette tapes while we worked,” she says. “I believe that diverse knowledge fuels innovation, and in my line of work, that's essential.” 

You won’t find Amanda just listening to fitness podcasts, either; today it’s about gaming, another day it was agriculture. She is drawn to learning about different industries. 

If you’re exhausted by now, so are we. It’s only 9:00 a.m. in the Tress household and it seems like an entire day! (haha!). Amanda is ready to leave the house and head to a local studio. Today on her calendar is a professional photo shoot for a new product she’s launching soon. FASTer Way Hydration will be on the market in August and there’s no shortage of fires to put out just weeks before its release. As Amanda is in hair and makeup, settling on wardrobe for the shoot, and playing host to special guests she’s asked to join the photo session, she’s also juggling calls and even has her creative design lead with her giving updates on packaging, printing and shipping details. 

Once that’s wrapped, Amanda heads into the office. It’s not even noon. The rest of the day is a whirlwind of meetings, strategy sessions, and problem-solving. “We've had a record year, bringing in new clients, but I know we can't rest on our laurels,” says Amanda. “Millions of people need our program, and I'm determined to reach every single one of them.”

Amanda’s vision is clear: to build the next billion-dollar brand in fitness and nutrition. “It's ours for the taking, and I'm laser-focused on making it happen.”

FASTer Way to Fat Loss founder and CEO Amanda Tress is a wife and mom of five; juggling family, home and a multi-million dollar fitness business.

After a full morning of intensity, Amanda leaves the office to carve out some much-needed margin in the afternoon. Every afternoon she heads down to her in-home gym for a FASTer Way workout; yes, she follows the same workouts as her clients with FASTer Way Pro Trainers at the helm. 

Sometimes, there’s even a little extra time for self-care, like a facial or massage. Then, the day winds down with a family walk - a sacred time for Amanda, when she leaves her phone at home and focuses entirely on connecting with her kids. 

You might look at Amanda, or other high-power CEOs and entrepreneurs and think they have it easy, they have it all, they have what you wish you could, but these women are very much like you with the same worries and anxieties. Amanda’s biggest question every day is whether she’s giving her children enough of her time. Is she a good mom? Is she balancing work and family well? As we said in the beginning, it’s a struggle for many working moms, regardless of where you live, how much you make, or how many kids are in the picture. 

As the sun sets on another busy day, Amanda reminds herself of what truly matters. “At my funeral, I don't just want people to say ‘Your mom was so awesome.’ I want my kids to respond and say, ‘You have no idea how awesome.’ That’s the legacy I’m working towards every single day.”